01 January 1970 2 1K Report

theoretical biology and medicine using artificial intelligence and mathematics is an emerging field in biology and medicine based on big data from bioinformation and healthcare electronic record. Clinical practice heavily relies on individual experiences, which lead to bias in recognition, diagnosis and treatment of disease. In fact, theoretical analysis is vital for biology and medicine. For example, chronic persistent inflammation plays an important role in carcinogenesis and also take effects on cancer metastasis. Under this theory, cancer patients with smoking have a high risk for lung metastasis because smoking can induce primary lung cancer occurrence through activation of chronic inflammation pathway. carcinogenesis. Further, it can be concluded that any stimuli induced persistent injury should be identified and avoided for cancer patients.

Dynamic monitoring of various bioinformation such as body fluids using physical and chemical methods is another emerging field in medicine. For example, urine is easy to be collected, which indicates many signs of various diseases. If the urinalysis by current advanced techonogies is cheap and convenient, it will be helpful to find potential diseases. They will give accelerated advancement in cancer metastasis research and other fields in medicine.

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