here is an example Matlab code for the numerical solution of integro-differential equations using the method of lines:
% Set up the problem
a = 0; b = 10; % interval [a,b]
y0 = 1; % initial condition
f = @(t,y) y - 2*t + integral(@(s) exp(-t+s)*y(s), a, t); % integro-differential equation
% Set up the method of lines
N = 100; % number of time steps
h = (b-a)/N; % time step size
t = linspace(a, b, N+1); % time grid
y = zeros(N+1, 1); % solution grid
y(1) = y0; % initial condition
% Define the integrand for the integral approximation
integrand = @(s) exp(-t+s)*y(s);
% Solve the problem
for n = 1:N
% Approximate the integral using the trapezoidal rule
I = trapz(t(1:n+1), integrand(1:n+1));
% Update the solution using the forward Euler method
y(n+1) = y(n) + h*(f(t(n), y(n)) + I);
% Plot the solution
plot(t, y);
title('Numerical Solution of Integro-Differential Equation');
In this code, we set up the integro-differential equation y'(t) = y(t) - 2t + ∫[a,t] e^(-t+s)*y(s) ds with initial condition y(0) = 1. We then use the method of lines to approximate the integral and solve the problem numerically. Finally, we plot the solution.
Note that this code is just an example and may need to be modified for specific integro-differential equations. Additionally, you may need to adjust the number of time steps N and the time step size h depending on the problem.
title('Numerical Solution of Integro-Differential Equation')
This code solves the integro-differential equation using the trapezoidal rule, which involves dividing the integration interval into subintervals and approximating the integral over each subinterval using the trapezoidal rule. The differential equation is then solved using the approximation of the integral obtained from the trapezoidal rule.
Note that this is just one example of how to numerically solve integro-differential equations in Matlab, and there are many other methods and techniques that can be used depending on the specific problem.