I need to model sequential frequent patterns of the individual activities, which are been derived from association mining. This mathematical model will determine the wellness of the individual based on these classification rules.
Here is an approach to setting up the desired model:
1. Let Char be a set of features or characteristics of the elderly. For example, let
Char = {Age, Health, Hobbies, Origin}.
2. Let Mem be a set of members of the elderly living in WSN smart homes.
3. Sample rules:
if x,y in Mem are the same age, then x belongs to the same group G1 as y.
if x,y in Mem are the same age and health, then x belongs to the same group G2 as y.
if x,y in Mem are the same age with the same hobbies, then x belongs to the same group G3 as y.
if x,y in Mem are the same age with the same origin, then x belongs to the same group G4 as y.
if x,y in Mem are the same age and health with the same hobbies, then x belongs to the same group G5 as y.
And so on.
A more refined model would take into account the proximities of the classified members, i.e.,sort the members of group G2 so that members x and y with closeness in age (refine the age characteristic) and x and y with closeness in health (refine this characteristics to reflect dietary and exercise habits, for example), then add a meta-classification of x and y in terms of their proximity in age and health.
More to the point and for specific approaches to establishing frequency patterns, see, e.g.:
A more refined model would take into account the proximities of the classified members, i.e.,sort the members of group G2 so that members x and y with closeness in age (refine the age characteristic) and x and y with closeness in health (refine this characteristics to reflect dietary and exercise habits, for example), then add a meta-classification of x and y in terms of their proximity in age and health.
More to the point and for specific approaches to establishing frequency patterns, see, e.g.: