The Strukturbericht designation D03 is bcc and correct. The same crystal structure of a ternary phase is L21. L12 is the structure of fcc Cu3Au (see J. H. Westbrook, Robert L. Fleischer (Hrsg.): Intermetallic Compounds: Principles and Applications. 2 Volume Set: Principles/Practice v. 1 & 2. John Wiley & Sons, 1994, ISBN 0-471-93453-4.)
Strictly speaking the bcc-derivative D03 phase is not a bcc, but it has space group Fm3m. Nevertheless, considering the question, the above answer is ok. You can find L12 phase also in ferrous alloys, e.g. Fe-Ga, Fe-Ge, it is ordered fcc-derivative phase with space group Pm3m. The L21 structure is applicable only for ternary alloys, it can be often observed in Heusler alloys.