The stock market price are nearly impossible to predict the price more accurately. What are your thoughts to predict these prices with a minimal error using some statistical modeling?
Background of stock market has various factors that affect the prices such as volumes that are traded, economic factors, political factors and trader's sentiment factors such as bullish or bearish. Like @Ajit said, there will always be error but when you account for all the above factors you can minimize it. A good example is Apple stock, when you look for a time period between 2000 to Nov 2018 you will probobly see an exponential curve based on that you can fit a curve to estimate it. Unfortunately due to political trade wars, the stock crashed over 20%. That show how each factor plays an important role in predictability
Here is an open access article which modeled serial closing price of a randomly selected (utility) stock using maximum-accuracy Markov analysis. Analysis demonstrated the sensitivity of such analyses to weighting by magnitude of change, but unfortunately utility stocks don't move up or down very much in short-term study--they tend to remain stable. I will be following this up with a second analysis of the subsequent three-months of action in this stock. In the meantime I studied optimal weighted Markov using one outcome and also studying two time-lagged variables for individual daily ratings of physical symptoms--which when plotted resemble a sky-to-sky lightning bolt (i.e., zig-zag across time): these worked surprisingly well.
Here is the link to the stock price study which started this program of research:
There are loads of articles using various kinds of time series data prediction tools for stock price prediction. Machine learning nowadays has become an emerging tool for making forecast.
Check ANN and ANFIS. Both are good technique in using historical data to train and test forecasting model.