I have two ordinal variables, ranked on a 1-5 Likert scale, and a categorical variable of age groups. What I would like to is extract significant (or determine and identify the existence of) homogeneous groups from the categorical variable. A simple example would be:

Variable_1 (Likert 1-5): Do you like chocolate?

Variable_2 (Likert 1-5): Do you like fruit?

Variable_3 (Categorical 15-25,26-35,36-45, etc.): Please select your age.

From this I'm looking for significant relationships between the responses of Variable_1 and Variable_2 based upon the age group. Examples could be subjects between 16-25 liked chocolate but do not like fruit; conversely subjects between 56-65 liked fruit and not chocolate.

What statistical test / method could I use in this circumstance?

Note 1: at the moment I believe that cross-tabs is probably my best bet here with possibly the recoding Variable_1 and Variable_2 into a dichotomous dependant variables - which appears to simplify the results.

Note 2: for those that are interested, I posted this question yesterday and by all account it was rather confusing and placed on hold, although feel free to check it out.

Note 3: using SPSS (if that helps)

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