Hi all

I have a question. I want to validate an ELISA assay. To do so I want to have some samples spiked with 25 ng/ml protein (final concentration) and some not spiked.

Here is my question:

I need to add 100 ul diluted sample to each well + 50ul tracer protein + 50 ul antibody. The antibody and tracer all need to be at a final conc of 1x.

How is smartest to proceed? Do I spike my 100 ul sample with 50 ng/ml protein to get a final spiking conc. of 25 ng/ml. Or is it best to spike either the 50 ul tracer protein or antibody with 100 ng/ml protein to get 25 ng/ml (final conc)? If i spike 100 ng/ml protein into my tracer or antibody solution will it change the final concentration of these that need to be 1x?

Thanks in advance


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