Have an ODE or two that needs a solution? Solves non-linear, implicit, any order, any degree, etc. ODE(s). For example,

! Your Equations go in your ‘model’ routine

x = 2 * pi * freq * time

d3y = peak / (1 + sin( x + phase)**2) + dy**3 ! ODE equation

! Linkage: d3y = derivative of d2y, d2y = deriv. of dy, & dy = deriv. of y.

The FortranCalculus compiler is freeware! Give it a shot, nothing to loose. Download at http://fortranCalculus.info/apps/fc-compiler.html , install it, and run some demos in order to get the basic follow of how things work. This software was derived from NASA's Apollo Space program that got us to the moon!

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