WORKSHOP at European Mineralogical Conference 2016, Rimini, Italy

On Friday 16th September in Rimini, we will run an EMC satellite workshop to teach the principles of host-inclusion elasticity for solid inclusions, including how to perform calculations to determine inclusion pressures and entrapment conditions. Teachers include Prof. Lutz Nasdala (Vienna), and we would again value your informal contribution to discussions. Further details in the attached and at in the 'events' section.

Recent developments in experiment and theory allow the stress state in solid mineral inclusions to be measured accurately and precisely. This allows the measured stress states to be interpreted as entrapment conditions, thus identifying P-T points in the rock history. The methods involve non-linear elasticity as an extension of classical elasticity theory and are complex. The workshop will teach the principles of host-inclusion elasticity, its assumptions and limitations in its current form, and the methods for determining the stress state in and around inclusions. Hands-on exercises with the EosFit software will teach participants how to perform calculations to determine inclusion pressures and entrapment conditions.

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