European Geosciences Union General assembly 2015


High-pressure and high-temperature mineral physics: a link between petrology, geophysics and geodynamics

Knowledge of the composition, structure and dynamic processes of our planet's interior relies on the investigation of chemical processes and rocks, as well as on geophysical measurements from the surface. The construction of a reliable self-consistent global dynamic model of the Earth that satisfies both chemical and physical constraints requires a detailed knowledge of the assemblage and behavior of the mineralogical components of our planet’s internal structure at the actual conditions of pressure and temperature expected at depth.

Experimental and computational mineral physics is continuously progressing towards a complete characterization of the physical (and chemical) properties of the materials occurring in the deep Earth. However, approaching the extreme pressure and temperature conditions of the mantle and core, and adding quantitatively the effects of chemical substitution and partitioning is still posing tremendous challenges to both the experimental and computational mineral physicists.

We welcome both experimental and computational contributions focused on static and dynamic behavior of candidate materials of the Earth mantle and core and their impact on further constraining our picture of the interior of our planet.

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