Dear Colleagues,

Inclusions in minerals yield a wealth of information on geological processes invisible at the whole rock scale, because they are protected by their host minerals that reduce or prevent post-formation alteration.

Unravel geological processes investigating inclusions entrapped in their hosts will be the focus of session (GMPV3.2/TS3.6) on "Inclusions in minerals as record of geological processes" at EGU2017 in Vienna, Austria, April 23-28, 2017.


Abstract submission deadline: 11 Jan 2017

Student support application deadline: 01 Dec 2016

The aim of this session is to bring together a wide range of people working on fluid, solid and melt inclusions to illustrate new analytical methods and results, to define the analytical challenges that remain, and to encourage new collaborations in the analysis of inclusion systems by complimentary methods. Our two keynote talks will be given by Yuri Podladchikov (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) on problems related to the modelling of host-inclusion environment and Jörg Hermann (University of Bern) on UHP rocks from subducted continental crust. Please consider contributing to the session, yourself!

Matteo Alvaro (Pavia)

Lucie Tajcmanova (ETH)

Silvio Ferrero (Potsdam)

Ross Angel (Padova)

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