@ Otamurod, you may reduce the salinity of your soil by leaching, growing halophytes, subsurface drainage, biomimicry beside chemical treatments such as gypsum.
The reclamation of salt-affected soils is by reversing the process in which they are formed. The first step is to improve the drainage so that upward movement of ground water to the soil surface ceases. Then fresh water is applied to the surface by irrigation. This fresh water washes out the excess salts, which are carried away in the drainage water. In the case of high sodium contents, called sodic soils, agricultural gypsum that supply a fresh source of soluble calcium is applied to replace the sodium adsorbed by the soil. Then, along with washing, this will carry out the excessive sodium and replaced by calcium.
Flooding and leaching of salts through good quality water provided with surface and subsurface drainage helps to reduce soil salinity besides we can cultivate salt tolerant exhaustive crops which can uptake greater amount of salts
La recuperación de un suelo salino puede realizarse de acuerdo a las circunstancias en las que se encuentran los suelos en un medio geográfico adecuado para su rehabilitación , porque podemos tener suelos salinos en áreas circundantes a un rio, donde podemos realizar la recuperación del suelo mediante lavados de suelos con aguas dulces. Pero también hay áreas muy alejadas donde solo tenemos el uso de aguas subterráneas de diferentes cualidades y según este recurso solo de puede trabajar con cultivos tolerantes a las sales o el uso de equipos de osmosis inversa y podemos sembrar cultivos de alto rendimiento económico
Ankita si una region tiene lluvias, es difícil que los suelos se salinicen, porque hay suficiente humedad para que las sales se laven del suelo, y sembrar plantas halófitas seria adecuado según sean rentables el cultivo, como el esparrago, la tara, quinua, trigo cebada, estos últimos mejoraron sus precios por la guerra Rusia - Ucrania.
Salinity is caused when you have a high amount of soluble salts in the soil. first, you test the salinity by measuring the EC, TDS, or Osmotic Potential.
Most salinity is caused by human activities, climate, geographical and weathering of parent rocks.
To reclaim saline soil, you must have a good source of quality water to flush the soil and provide drainage for the salt solution to move out.
To overcome salinity problem you need to develop a method for reclamation of saline soils in accordance with your ecological zone? Are there any modern modern methods available to prevent salinity?
leaching with excess amount of fresh water is one of the options. There are also some plants that intake more salt from the soil. It is recommended to grow such kind of plants.
Feto Esimo Berisso. flush with high-quality irrigation water and drain. There is also an option of phytoremediation, by planting crops that can take up salts. read soil chemistry by sparks for a better understanding of these concepts. Thank you