During the electrophoresis run on a 1% agarose gel at 100 volts for 25 minutes, I was unable to clearly visualize the expected 28S and 18S bands representing ribosomal RNA. Instead, a smear-like pattern appeared on the gel. The ladder was run correctly, indicating that the gel and electrophoresis setup were functioning properly.
To provide context, I measured the concentration of my total RNA using a nanodrop spectrophotometer, which yielded a reading of 2.07 in A260/A280. The concentration was determined to be 1352 ng/μl, and for the gel analysis, I loaded 3 μl of RNA with 1 μl of loading buffer and only 3 ul Ladder.
Considering these results, I am unsure about the integrity of my total RNA and whether the observed smear is indicative of degradation or other factors affecting the sample quality. I am reaching out to this esteemed community in the hopes that someone with experience in RNA electrophoresis can offer insights into potential causes for the observed smear and absence of distinct 28S and 18S bands.