This depends a lot on what you are studying and the objective(s) of your study. Sometimes it could be based on the constructs of your theoretical framework. This would depwnd on the field of study.
Questionnaire is used to collect the data in line with your research objectives. If you can collect the data from any other sources (e.g., customer database) that serves your research "objectives", you may even not require a questionnaire. However, in most behavioral research, we use different factors/constructs which are LATENT (unobservable) in nature. To measure these latent variables, we need to develop questionnaire. Again, the conceptualization of these latent variables/factors depends on your research objectives. So, your questionnaire should somehow or other reflect your research objectives.
Whether you need to develop hypothesis or not is another issue.
My view is the researcher can conduct a research without testing the hypothesis. In my PhD research there is an objective called “What is the degree of religiosity as perceived by managerial employees in Sri Lankan listed companies?”
I have achieved this objective by using the descriptive statistics. But there is a possibility of achieving the above mentioned objective by testing hypothesis also.
I need your co-operation in preparing likert scale questionnaire and preparation of hypothesis, i want to propose the loyalty model as Time and place as changing variables and find the how trust, satisfaction and loyalty will change.
Should the questionnaire must be on hypothesis or objectives? How the Questionnaire as to prepare whether on Topic, objectives or hypothesis?
In quantitative research, instrument / survey questionnaire is being operationalized to measure a specific construct / variable. Different variables might have different questionnaires. Questionnaires are related to research topic, research objectives & hypotheses but questionnaires are not based on topic, objectives & hypotheses. Questionnaires needed are depending on all the variables in your conceptual framework / research model. Before the research model is developed, research problem, objective & questions (not questionnaire) need to be identified & rigorous literature review had been performed. Then hypotheses are developed based on your research questions (not questionnaire) and / or the relationships among the variables in your research model.
ٍSurvey questionnaire is to measure the factors of the study that formed in the theoretical framework, so the hypotheses will prepare after the questions and objectives of the research are determined .