I know plastic recycling is one way to reduce the menace of plastic pollution,which is a global issue.Some see plastic recycling as a lucrative business but rather as a service to the environment, I would like your views on this.Thank you
Recycling is an important element of the implementation of the principles of sustainable development and social environmental (ecological) responsibility of society towards the natural environment. In recent years, plastic has been a major global problem of environmental pollution. Pollution of the natural environment of the seas and oceans and the terrestrial environment with plastic is a global problem, so urgent development of waste segregation and recycling techniques is necessary. In order to protect nature, expenditure on the development and improvement of recycling techniques should be increased. In order to improve techniques and increase the scale of recycling, it is necessary to create new eco-innovations and implement them as part of pro-environmental reforms, pro-environmental transformation of economic processes, etc. Recycling is also an important element of the pro-ecological transformation of the traditional brown economy into a sustainable green economy / circular economy. The development of recycling is one of the key factors in the protection of nature, protection of the Earth's biosphere against the negative effects of the development of civilization.
Service to the environment involves reducing plastic use, recycling plastic use. Further, recycling for business purpose is also part of the service to environment as business and businesses owners are part of the environment.
Any product in the process of operation will produce machinery, labor, material costs, accompanied by environmental pollution, this problem mainly depends on how you recycle, what are your treatment methods? In order to better discuss and research.