Hello everyone,

I just recently submitted to a reputable journal in my field, and the paper was rejected by the editor without sending it to reviewers. However, he offered a transfer to another fairly reputable journal in my field of research.

UPDATE: I discussed with someone who does editorial work. He said that personally he does not like it when papers are transferred, due to the following reasons:

1. The article format of the journal transferring the article is almost always different from that of the receiving journal

2. Also as an editor, when he receives a paper that was rejected from another journal, it raises questions about the quality of the paper. Hence, a transferred paper is looked at more critically than a paper that is otherwise submitted through regular channels.

My question was if I should accept the offer or not? and if anyone has experience where journal transfers were successful? Also, besides the time saved for reformatting, what other benefits would transferring the article have over submitting the article as a regular submission?

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