how to prepare the sample for taking SEM image of mos2 flakes ? They are synthesized using sonication followed by centrifugation. We have used DMF as solvent also.
What do you want to get: size, form, strain, defects? Usually it suffices to diperse a drop of solution onto a clean metal surface or a piece of sticky carbon tape, let it dry and put it onto a SEM stub. If your flakes are highly insulating then may get charging effects which you can mitigate by ensuring they only cover a tiny fraction of the surface (i.e. low density) and the stub is properly earthed.
You need no coating. For your task (if it is even plausible) you need state of the art SEM, field emission with beam deceleration. As Denis Korneev noticed, you have just a few atomic layers of specimen, the whole layer will be practically transparent for older SEMs. You need to work at accelerating voltages below (may be well below) 1 kV. At these conditions charging of specimens is just an annoyance, not a major drawback; so no coating needed. If you do not have an access to really good SEM go with AFM (but almost sertanly you'll see near to nothing). HRTEM is the best tool for your task, but you need FIB to prepare specimens. Tough tasks ask for really good equipment.