The notion of buying and selling carbon credits wreaks of money laundering and political schemes to undermine the citizens.

Either reducing carbon emissions is critical or it is not. If it is, then it is equally critical in China as it is in Chicago. Having Chicago have standards that are more stringent that China wreaks of a corrupt system of abuse and money laundering - the environment is not Chinese or American or European, etc. and it is not controlled by humanity - it may have aspects that are better managed, but it is not controlled, and attempts to control mother nature typically end up like the nuclear bombs and destroy lives.

Is the act of selling carbon credits an acti of money laundering?

If a company sells carbon credits, does that mean it has developed a currency, just like crypto currency firms who are in the cross hairs of US Regulators seeking to control currency for the monopoly powers of central banks?

Who would buy carbon credits - someone who is emitting too much carbon, so they payoff, as in a bribe, by buying carbon credits, in order to continue to "destroy the environment"?

This entire notion of creating carbon credits and buying/selling carbon credits has nothing to do with the environment. It is a money laundering scheme of epic proportions to tax citizens and allow the oligarchs to continue with corruption of humanity on Earth.

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