I have daily data (from Monday to Friday: data, Saturday and Sunday: no data) with a 'seasonal' effect. To make the time series (TS) stationary, I differentiated the data. DF tests show I now have a stationary TS so I want to use an ARIMA(p,d,q) model to model and forecast my TS. Looking at the AC and PAC functions, I see that there is a spike at lag 1 for AC, so MA(1) and spikes for lags 1 and 2 for PAC so AR(2). My questions are:

- Should I use the differentiated data in my models or can I state d=1, so taking the first differential only in the model? So model ARIMA(2,0,1) for the already differentiated data or ARIMA(2,1,1) for the original data?

- What about the seasonality? If I want to do a SARIMA(P,D,Q,S), should I take D=1 or again use the differentiated data then?

I tried SARIMA(2,1,1,7) for the differentiated data but none of the coefficients were significant. Can anybody help? (in the attachment: the AC's and PAC's of the original and differentiated data)

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