07 January 2021 3 5K Report

Dear reader,

I've been having trouble with my cyclic voltammetry recently, but I then had a break through and managed to get apparently "clean" results using dry, deoxygenated THF and/or DMF, however each solvent (w/ the same electrolyte, conc. etc...) yields significantly different results.

In THF, my polycyclic aromatic compound returns a single reversible reduction at -1.44 V. In DMF, the same material returns two peaks at -1.0 and -1.6 V. Respectively, the peaks at -1.44 and -1.6 V yield close matches to LUMO energies calculated by DFT. The peak at -0.9 V, is 1 eV or so out.

Both solvents (with supporting electrolyte) return featureless blank scans. For one of my samples, the THF trace matches the literature (only available example). All scans are taken under an inert, dry atmosphere. Although I am discussing just one, I am experiencing similar issues with three other tested compounds.

Question: Why do I get an additional peak in DMF? This is essential if I am to estimate HOMO/LUMO energies.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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