I have installed BUSCO in my Ubuntu 16.04, according to the manual

but when I run run_BUSCO.py it was showing

Command Line:

python3 /Path/BUSCO/scripts/run_BUSCO.py -i /Path/sample_data/test_2/Mus_dom_2.0.2.fna -l /Path/BUSCO/sample_data/test_2/odb9v1_metazoa_fasta -o /Path/BUSCO/sample_data/test_2/Res -m geno

Error Message:

File "Path/BUSCO/scripts/run_BUSCO.py",line 26, in

from pipebricks.PipeLogger import PipeLogger

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipebricks'

What should I do for solving this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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