I am working on microbial contamination of groundwater, and analyzing the pathogenic bacteria (more than ten), Since I am not into bioinformatics, but I am too curious to apply any such tool to include in my research. Seeking for suggestions..
As I said, bioinfo. is totally strange to me, so I would like to have suggestions from the experts. I have characterized several strains of bacteria, (as my work is ground water contamination with bacteria), what are the bioinformatic tools and approaches I can use with those microbes as add-on to my research ??
Well Ashwani, why I asked you to explain was because you had just mentioned that you wanted to analyze the pathogenic bacteria. Analysis of what... their phylogeny?.. their interactions???... their genes/proteins etc....
P.S. my name is spelt as Sreejith and not Shrijit :-)....
Just to give you a little bearing, follow the link below to the EMBOSS home page. It contains a short list of programs that you may use, to analyze data.