I'm working on DCM plant extract and willing to test them in enzymatic bioassays. DCM tends to absorb at the wavelength I'm using and it also breaks down my enzymes leading to false positive. Any ideas to replace DCM?
EtOac present similar to DCM polarity but most probably you can try more polar solvents like DMSO, which might work more preferably on enzymes integrity retention, or even MeOH...
As far as solvent UV cutoff is concerned, EtOAc and DMSO are still likely to cause you problems... I agree that MeOH, or even ACN, would be good solvents, however, the solubility of your extract may be low on these. Specifically talking about DMSO, we have demonstrated that concentrations of this solvent higher then 20% may lead to alpha-helix disruption. It all comes down to the amount of organic solvent you have to include in your assay. Another suggestion may be EtOH, as long it is not used in high concentrations.