Hi all,
I am beginning a literature review on a new topic, and wondering whether there is a recommended software platform to code, annotate and link themes between articles of interest.
I have been using Endnote to collate my literature, and add notes (and ratings) if there are particular points of interest, however for the main comparison and contrasting of themes and findings I have simply been using a text editor. I doubt is the most effective way of going about things, and am would like to be more efficient with few hundred articles to trawl though.
NVivo has been recommended to me, but I'm less concerned with the use of code 'qualitative' data as much as I am with collating the interpretations of quantitative results against themes for later synthesis. These might be one and the same - I am unsure.
I would appreciate software recommendations for what the community has used for their own literature reviews (thesis or otherwise).