I was working on a gene construct synthesized in pet29 vector as a clone. Primers were prepared and optimized with gene at Tm 58 degrees. Once primers were optimized, I carried out transformation in expression vector and checked colony PCR with the same set of primers. After some time, I needed to conduct PCR for the same gene again for TA cloning and repeated BL21 transformation but issues occured. My primers that were previously optimized didn't work on the same gene on the mentioned Tm. After numerous trouble-shootings, I decided to check either the problem has appeared in my gene construct or not. I checked my commercially synthesized cloned gene on agarose gel in the intact and digested form and there was no band of gene once visualized. Is there any chance that my clone is destroyed by nucleases? What can be the reason for such conditions? It will be a great help if you can guide me