Radiogenic daughter products! Back to the Future lead lead age dates. There is way way too much radiogenic lead in Upper Mississippi Valley deposits of NW Illinois. Reports suggest the percentage of radiogenic lead is on the order of 50% at least locally!

Radon gas is heavy and short lived and should not go far from its source and should leave a "trackway". I enclose an article describing the unusual and erratic ratio of radiogenic daughter products and a graph.

The other expected daughter products in the decay chain are not present or at least not reported.

So....where did all the radon come from...some kind of S type granite?

I am dubious of it's being leached off a granite. In Colorado the Silverplume Granite is relatively "hot". It is easy to peg a scintillometer here and there...likely from "shrockingerite" or some relatively mobile uraniferous constituent. Furthermore, in Colorado there are obvious signs of the radioactive daughter products between the rimming granite outcrops and a mined uranium roll front deposit at Tallahassee Creek at the edge of South Park. I know it because I drilled some radon springs in South Park long ago. But...there seem to be no such radiogenic trails between granites in the Wisconsin/Ashton Arch, see below, and the abundant J type lead of the historic Galena mining district of NW Illinois.

The paragenetic studies are predicated on a hydrothermal process for galena deposition. I think there is more to the story.

See below.

I show a recent find of galena megacrystals from a discovery site in pockets located at the top of the Ordovician Galena Group and the base of the Ordovician Maquoketa bounding the Ordovician at the proverbial GICE interval See stratigraphic diagram.

There may have been a strong Radon event of some kind that caused the J-type lead but how does that fit into the conventional depositional model described below dated 1986.

Maybe it's from the deeper "k-bentonites" at the base of the Galena near the top of the Decorah. I attach an article from 1996 from GSA for your convenience. The multiple K-bentonites are at or near the base of the Galena Group. That's pretty far but it's not unreasonable to postulate fracture flow of some the proposed date of zinc mineralization...roughly 250my ago.

Has anyone else considered the problem of anomalous radiogenic lead in UMV deposits. If the source is merely should be widespread. But..I understand J-type lead is relatively localized...(getting its name from Joplin Missouri and presenting itself most abundantly in Jo Daviess Co. Illinois).

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