There exist some basic models for the angle dependence of sigma0. In R.E. Clapp, 1946, “A theoretical and experimental study of radar ground return” three such models are presented:
[1] sigma0(theta) = constant * cos(theta)2 called: “Lambert’s law”
[2] sigma0(theta) = constant
[3] sigma0(theta) = constant * cos(theta)
[3] is actually more complicated since it can also include multiple reflections from deeper layers of the surface. If however one only considers direct reflections the model takes the form as shown above.
In Ulaby, Moore, Fung, 1982, “Microwave Remote Sensing, Active and Passive” vol. II the authors also discuss these models of Clapp.
With models [1] and [3] one cosine(theta) term accounts for the decrease in incident power per unit surface area when the radar measures the ground return under angle theta. With [1] a seccond cosine(theta) term is added in accordance with Lambert’s law: a radiating surface whose angle-dependent emission is according to I = I0 * cos(theta) [Wm-2].
The well-known integral form of the radar equation applied to surface returns is (see for example Ulaby1982):
Prx = Ptx * [ lambda2 / (4 pi)3 ] * integral[ G2 / R4 * sigma0(theta) , dA ]
What I don’t understand is why there is not a cosine term in this equation by default? So
Prx = Ptx * [ lambda2 / (4 pi)3 ] * integral[ G2 / R4 * sigma0(theta) * cos(theta) , dA ]
Because the way I see it: regardless of the scattering properties of any surface the incident power per unit surface area must be rescaled according to cos(theta).