While running AMOS-CV.SEM, Two IVs on DV= Rsquare .14 and its impact on Mediator also Rsquare .14, But Structure Model (including IVs and Mediation impact) the R square value is .72.
Where you say, "its impact on Mediator also Rsquare .14," do you mean the mediator on the IVs or the DV on the mediator? Also, for "Two IVs on DV= Rsquare .14," is that for each IV taken separately or the two together?
Can you post the correlations among the four variables?
I have taken the Two IVs together and its impact on DV with Rsqaure .14, these two IVs together impact on Mediator also Rsqaure .14, while Mediator (in the absence of IVs) on DV Rsquare .52
But full Mediation process (include IVs and Mediator) on DV is Rsquare .72.
What software are you using? I don't get those numbers at all.
Assuming BDTC and BDPC are the IVs, CA is the mediator, and FP is the DV, I get the R^2 from the full model on the DV of .54. I also get DV on the two IVs as .17, and the mediator on the 2 IVs as .16.
@Malone. Sure, I used AMOS.21. and found the answer IVs on DV= .14, IVs on Mediator also =.14 and Full model with mediation Rsquare .52. So these are acceptable? Some authors suggested that Rsquare of Direct impact (without mediation) will be greater than indirect(with mediation). I am confused. Comments will be appreciated...
Sir, I am Looking for answer that the Direct impact of IVs on DV bring .14 Rsquare-variation when with mediation it is .52 R square. So it is acceptable? what justification
This is the justification: "You added a predictor of the DV that is strongly related to it, and R2 shot up. " The correlation between CA and FP is .722. That alone gives an R^2 of .52. You'd expect the model R^2 to be at least that high.
I'm still confuse in calculating R-squared (direct).
But, I found useful article that perhaps can help you and get better understanding. Article R squared effect-size measures and overlap between direct an...