
In various research papers related to this topic (for example: Article Analytical Surface Potential and Drain Current Models of Dua...

it can be seen that the gate potential is shown with ΨG that is given by:

ΨG=VG - Φ +X+Eg /2q

my first question is about the unit of components in above equation,

VG (in volt) , workfunction Φ (in Volt) , electron affinity X (in volt) and Eg (in eV) ,

1-Is these true?

2-In this way since the unit of workfunction is eV, Is it true to say Φ is negligible in above formula?

The second question:

In short, we can say that the analytical model for surface potential in a DM-DG-TFET can be obtained based on the solution of Poisson equation (the potential at channel-oxide interface), after using parabolic (young) approximation and with the use of boundary conditions, transforms the 2D poissons equation to a 1D where the particular solution of this 1D equation can be expressed as:

Qi=ΨGi +(qNitsi)/(2Cox) i=1,2,3,4

i=1 is related to the depletion region in source and i=4 is related to the depletion region in drain.

3-What is ΨG1 and ΨG4 equation?

4-In Qi is (qNitsi)/(2Cox) negligible against ΨGi ?

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