Choosing the suitable method depends on many factors such as research question(s), research objectives, previous literature (if any), research nature, and the availability of resources.
I believe that the quantitative approach is more used for applied science research, while the qualitative is more used for social science research.
For some more complex problems both are needed to gain a good insight (mixed methods). Depending on the research question the dominance of the used paradigm may vary (positivist or interpretive), as well as sequence (sequential, or concurrent) and mode of cooperation and associated possibilities for data integration (disciplinary approaches: monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches may lead to different analytical options). I think choosing a good design and being aware of it’s (dis)advantages is more important. In my view science is both quantitative and/or qualitative: it really depends on what you are researching.
Desde mi experiencia creo que depende de la forma de trabajo de la institución y el propio investigador. Tradicionalmente la investigación se trabaja desde dos enfoques claramente establecidos: cuantitativo y cualitativo; sin embargo, considero que la investigación en todo caso debe ser "mixta", es decir, debe ser una unidad que incluya lo cuantitativo y lo cuantitativo. De esta forma se podrá obtener resultados con mayor relevancia y mayor amplitud a mi criterio. Saludos desde Perú.