24 February 2021 3 1K Report

I am working on a CFX 96 machine to determine reaction efficiency of my gene of interest.

After performing a serial dilution of my cDNA template, I was able to find great reaction efficiencies for 3/4 genes (102.5%).

One gene seemed to have odd results and when I reperformed the serial dilution I again found a similar pattern on the standard curve.

Sample PER B x10: 6 1:10 serial dilutions

Sample PER B x5: : 6 1:5 dilutions


10uL SyBER Supermix

7uL NF Water

1uL of each forward and reverse primer 5uM (primer concentration tested during a gradient with good product)

1uL of Stock cDNA produced from Trizol RNA extraction of animal brain 255ng/uL diluted as stated above

I have run NRTs with this sample and can rule out gDNA contamination

I have attached two screenshots of my standard curves

Is there any explanation for why I am getting such odd Cqs (~26) even after 6 serial dilutions?

If there is any more information I can provide please let me know

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