I am trying to couple my mPEG-COOH polymer (Mw 2000) with TAT peptide (Mw 1339) using selective carbodiimide reaction. I ran different trials using EDC + NHS with different solvents such as DMSO alone, a combination of DMSO+ DMF and water alone. Here is a brief procedure for reaction.

1.       mPEG-COOH, EDC and NHS is dissolved in a solvent (water or all above mentioned solvents) for 24h for -COOH gp activation.

2.       TAT is dissolved either in DMSO or water and further added into the reaction.

3.       pH of the reaction mixture was adjusted to 9.0 using triethylamine and keep stirred for 24h

4.       After this free TAT and polymer were removed using dialysis medium by running for 24-48h.

5.       dialysate was freeze dried to get final product  

As IR and NMR techniques are not suitable for the determination of the extent of conjugation between mPEG-COOH and NH2-TAT peptide because TAT is itself contains lots of amide bonds which overlaps CONH amide bond between polymer and peptide. To overcome this issue, I used MLDI/TOF analysis for my product which is showing more of free TAT peptide and free polymer.

Can someone advice me how can I increase the extent of conjugation? I used fluorescamine method to determine the extent of conjugation also which is also predicting less conjugation of the peptide with the polymer. 

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