I work on neural differentiation using STEMdiff™ Neural System. And I got stuck at the first stage when using Neural Induction Medium following the EB protocol. Even one week after replated in the 6-well plate(Day 12 of the protocol), I didn't see normal rosettes. Here are the details.

  • The cell I used is H1ES. I cultured it in the mTeSRTM medium and it looks good as shown in the picture below.
  • The differentiation process seemed normal at first. At the beginning, I add 2*10^6 cells into a single well of the AggreWell. EB was seen the next day(EB1.jpg & EB2.jpg). And on day 5, the EBs were plated in a 6-well plate(Day6-1.jpg). Strange things happened on day 8, many cells floated and this continued to day 12(Day10-1.jpg & Day10-2.jpg). Also, no rosettes formed by day 12.
  • Did anyone have experience with EB protocol? What may cause this to happen? Any help would be appreciated.

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