Hi Guys!

I'm trying to deconvolute TPD results of activated carbons and I've found a problem with one of the sample. The problem is that the amount of CO desorbed is lower than CO2 (271  vs. 472 umol/g). So, at first I deconvoluted the CO2 spectra in order to obtain a number of carboxylic anhidrides and lactones groups. (Fig. 1). Then, I tried to include the carboxylic anhidride peak (of the same magnitude and witdh at half of the maximum) into CO spectra  but the intensity of the peak is higher than the maximum of the CO peak (Fig. 2). Can anyone could help me? The program I use is Origin pro - gaussian multipeak fit function was used for the background substracted TPD plots (substraction performed using Peak analyser in Origin pro). The results without background correction are the same. I'd be grateful for your help.

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