Hi dear all,
I just carrying out a computational run of a single point energy at MP2/6-31g++(2p,2d)//B3LYP/6-31g++(d,p), but when I tried to do the refinement at MP2/6-31g++(2p,2d) the next error appear in my log file:
Is it a problem with the integration of method or memory of my CPU? Thanks a lot. Julián.
"Disk-based method using OVN memory for 31 occupieds at a time.
Estimated scratch disk usage= 2478105962 words.
Actual scratch disk usage= 2477844842 words.
JobTyp=2 Pass 1: I= 1 to 31 NPSUse= 5 ParTrn=T ParDer=T DoDerP=F.
Erroneous write. Write -1 instead of 1470464.
fd = 4
orig len = 1875968 left = 1470464