What do you think about Predatory Journals x the casino policy that the big publishers charge absurd fees to publish a scientific paper that they didn't make any effort to develop? In fact, the big publishers make money from the efforts of researchers and countries that produce the data! Are both harmful or just the Predatory Journals? That predatory journals are a destructive and malignant cancer for science, for scientific integrity and for scientific reputation. It is a worldwide consensus. However, what about the big publishers? They charge absurd fees to publish a scientific work that researchers have dedicated their time, sweat, often tears to develop and, still, earn money with a scientific production developed by the researchers! I recently published the article "The Pandora's box of predatory journals" (https://www.excli.de/index.php/excli/article/view/6011) which discusses this problem. Authors need to fight against the destructive policies of the big publishers, as they are equally harmful to science. However, the importance of the big publishers and how they helped in the popularization of science is recognized. How to get out of this crossroads? I wanted to read your opinion.

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