I would like to perform a post hoc test with R for two independent variables, as well as their interaction. Have someone did it before? I would appreciate any advice.
There are, as always in R, several different ways to achieve this.
If your model is Y ~ A*B, you will get the individual interaction terms with their standard errors and (Wald-) p-values from the summary of the linear model:
To run a post-hoc test in R with two independent variables, first install and load the'stats' package. Then, use the 'aov' function to fit an analysis of variance (ANOVA) model with the appropriate formula for the dependent variable and the interaction between the independent variables. After that, use the ANOVA model's 'TukeyHSD' function to perform Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) post-hoc test. Finally, present the findings, including pairwise comparisons and significance levels. Make sure your data meets the ANOVA assumptions. The 'TukeyHSD' function computes adjusted p-values for multiple comparisons.
Thanks to all of you for your answer. R has a lot of possibilities, whereas I'm waiting for your answer, I'm searching for more alternatives, and I've found some interesting ways: I'll share with you when I finish to test their usefulness