Hi All,
I am trying to design a high fidelity sequencing experiment using Duplex Sequencing. I understand that Illumina genomic input is usually single cell / clonal dna, but I was wondering whether it would be possible to use a pool of single cells (~10 copies) or an entire cell population. I am not referring to multiplexing either, where the pool consists of barcoded libraries; I am trying to see if it is possible to sequence a population of cells (non-clonal) under one barcode.
Off the top of my head, this seems impossible, since illumina generates short reads; therefore there is no way to identify which cell a read came from, and since they are non-clonal, the resulting alignment would be nonsense. However, if it is possible, it would save a great amount of time in both library prep and the money in sequencing costs. Are there any papers / examples of this being done?