I carried out a polymer synthesis reaction using a polymer graft using the dispersion polymer method. However, my polymer results into a gel when the initiator is applied. What can I change in this case?
Dear Shodiq Yusti Wardana, what are the components of your synthesis ? No data are offered to help reasoning ? Think to clarify more for better and meaningfull answers. Geletion may be due to crosslinking and gel effect (Tromsdorff effect), i. e., abrupt increase in MW. My Regards
My Polymers made from Acrylamide and MCQ and also polyDADMAC for the graft-ing. My reaction conducted in 60 degC. After added some initiator aamonium persulfate for 1 hours. The polymers start gelling, so I can't continue my reaction. After overnight the polymers have texture like rubber
The amount of the initiator should be reduced. Most probably it is the gel effect. If so, reduce both reactants concentration and reaction temperature. Good Luck
By the way, it is not fully clear whether it is a copolymerization or grafting. This later is achieved by attaching a chemical/motif to an already formed polymer, is it your situation ?