I have the following objective function

function [ratiioOfID,Breciprocal]= objective(x)

then I have my main script that calls fmincon as following

lb = [1000*10^(-9),1000*10^(-9),10^(-9),10^(-9)]; ub = [100000*10^(-9),100000*10^(-9),50000*10^(-9),50000*10^(-9)]; A = []; b = []; Aeq = []; beq = []; x0 =[14.65*10^(-6),98.5*10^(-6),6.8*10^(-6),0.56*10^(-6)] ; options = optimset('TolCon',1e-18,'TolX',1e-19,'PlotFcns',@optimplotfval); [a,b]=fmincon(@objective,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,@Filter_function,options);

I want to plot ratiioOfID vs Breciprocal. however this plot gives the following figure and the figure is giving me iteration vs some value. I want to plot the results of ratiioOfID vs Breciprocal. Any help appriciated

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