Hello All Good morning as we all know we are going through a very tough time. All companies are closing doors.I am trying to connect the following points understand the nature and role of psychology in understanding mind and behaviour, state the growth of the discipline in developing computer softwares and nlp based courses. Understand the different fields of psychology, its relationship with other disciplines, and professions, and•appreciate the value of psychology in daily life to help you understand yourself and others better.

This kind of course will have the following benefit.

In lockdown mode to provide online therapy and conditioning for those who are disintegrated.

Identify the goals and help them understand technology better.

Identify the criteria for work and data science.

Identify twitter feeds.

Secondly we would like to create a powerpoint presentation why the students would like to have Computer science with physchology as a course.

Following points are needed why will we choose CSE with physchology as a course?

What are the market forecast capabilities and need for specilaization


Examples of the job prospects.

How to select the career choices.

What will be the elective to study the same

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