% The Mathematics of Patterns 2013

% Turing Instabilities II: Gierer Meinhardt system in 1D

% This MATLAB code will show you how to numerically simulate

% the 1D Gierer-Meinhardt system, and create a simplified

% version of the animations in the Turing Instabilities section.


delete all;

close all;


%%% Set-up %%%


% Parameter values

bc = 0.35;

Du = 1; Dv = 30; % Diffusion constants

% Grid and initial data:

% w = 10; %no pattern

w = 80; % pattern

Nx = 500; % How many points we want to discretize our domain with

x = linspace(0,w, Nx);

dx = x(2) - x(1);

dt = 1; % size of our time step

t = 0:dt:400;

Nt = length(t); % Number of time points

% Set up for the surface

[X, T] = meshgrid(x, t);

U = 0*X;

V = 0*X;

% Easier to deal with column vectors

x = x(:);

t = t(:);

%Initial conditions: small perturbation away from steady state

u = 1/bc*ones(length(x),1) + 0.01*rand(Nx, 1);

v = 1/bc^2*ones(length(x),1);

% Save initial conditions

U(1,:) = u;

V(1,:) = v;


%%% Making the matrix %%%


% To begin, let us recall how to set up the matrices used in the explicit

% and implicit finite difference methods.

%%% Forward (explicit) method %%%

% We want a tridiagonal matrix (see notes for details)

a = (1-2*Du*dt/dx^2); % values along the diagonal

b = Du*dt/dx^2; % values in the off-diagonal

main = a*sparse(ones(Nx,1));

off = b*sparse(ones(Nx-1,1));

Bu = diag(main) + diag(off,1) + diag(off,-1); %Still a sparse matrix

% Satisfying boundary conditions

Bu(1, end-1) = b;

Bu(end, 2) = b;

% To have a more numerically stable code, we use the implicit method.

%%% Backward (implicit) method %%%

% For u

a = (1+2*Du*dt/dx^2); % values along the diagonal

b = Du*dt/dx^2; % values in the off-diagonal

main = a*sparse(ones(Nx,1));

off = -b*sparse(ones(Nx-1,1));

Bu = diag(main) + diag(off,1) + diag(off,-1); %Still a sparse matrix

% Satisfying boundary conditions

Bu(1, end-1) = -b;

Bu(end, 2) = -b;

% Same thing for v

a = (1+2*Dv*dt/dx^2); b = Dv*dt/dx^2;

main = a*sparse(ones(Nx,1));

off = -b*sparse(ones(Nx-1,1));

Bv = diag(main) + diag(off,1) + diag(off,-1);

Bv(1, end-1) = -b;

Bv(end, 2) = -b;


%%% Plotting %%%


figure(1); %create new figure

plot(x,u,'g.-', 'linewidth',1);

hold on;

plot(x,v,'r.-', 'linewidth',1);

hold off;

axis([-1 80 -.01 15.01]) % Fix axis limits

for j = 1:Nt

% f and g are the reaction terms in the G-M system

f = u.^2./v-bc*u;

g = u.^2 - v;

% At each step we need to solve the system

u = Bu\(u + dt*f); % backward Euler

v = Bv\(v + dt*g);

% Plot

plot(x,u,'g.-', 'linewidth',1);

hold on;

plot(x,v,'r.-', 'linewidth',1);

hold off;

axis([-1 80 -.01 15.01])

title(['t = ', num2str(j*dt)],'fontsize',24)


% Save for surface

U(j,:) = u;

V(j,:) = v;


%%%% Plotting the surface %%%%


s = surf(x, t, U);

set(s, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'interp');

% Sets up the colors




%%%% contour plot %%%


p = pcolor(x, t, U);

set(p, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceColor', 'interp');


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