I analyze the microbial community composition from soil samples collected in an agricultural field experiment. Within this field, there are 3 plots (randomly distributed in the field) and for each plot, we collected soil samples at 2 depths and 3 different compartments (comp). We have a total of 18 samples. BUT I only have one observation per sample unit. So, basically the replicates are the plots. My first idea was to write the following model with adonis:
x ~ depth + comp
With plot factor considered as replicate. But I am not sure it's right because the plots are distant (several meters). They are not true replicate, right? Then, after I had discussed with some colleagues, it turned out that I should maybe use the following model:
x ~ plot/depth + plot/comp + plot
depth and comp being nested in plot. But in that case, I have no replicate at the lowest level, and it might be a problem for a permutation test... I don't know how to solve this problem. The experimental design is a bit tricky because we have no replicates at the lowest level. Therefore, I don't know how to deal with the statistic model.
If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate :) Thanks for your time!