is there any protocol to purify PCR products without kit or column, I have small amount of PCR and I dont want to lose it, can I use phenol/chloroform and etoh precipitation for this purpose?
Hi Inas, If you are worried about loosing it, as you have product you can amplify your amplicon then you will have enough for several runs, and you can purify or do whatever you want.
I think EtOH/Sodium acetate precipitation would be fine for this purpose. When I concentrate my PCR DNA for in vitro transcription purpose, I always do ethanol precipitation and dissolve in 1/10th of the original volume (10x). Here is what i do: X ul PCR reaction + X/10 ul 3M sodium acetate ph 5.5+ 3X ul 200 proof (100%) ethanol. incubate at -20 for 1.5h. centrifuge at 14k rpm (max speed) for 10 minute, wash once with 3x ul 70% ethanol and redissolve pellete in whatever volume you want.