And are there some stronger forms of contextuality then independent state contextuality or algebraic/ontic/measurement contextuality,

Where I use stronger meaning, smaller differences in context, and in the observable under consideration, leading nonetheless leading to measurement outcomes for said observable, where this could be as strong as  'everything being the same except position of the registration devices such as in the up channel versus the down channel (spin down beam)' or as weak as some forms of environmental contextuality.

I know there the words. 'strong, weak and logical contextuality' have specific meanings but I presume they just indicates different modal  degrees (relating to probability, possibility and extendability) of algebraic/measuremenent/independent state contextuality and not a stronger distinct kind or category of contextuality again.

For example there is a notion called 'strong perspectivalism' that is often used or floated around although its not clear precisely what is meant by it (particulary given that I have seen the words weak perspectivalism or just perspectivalism being used), although this might just have a subjective interpretation and not any ontic connotations;

What is generally meant by this term (and why strong), Does it just relate the fact that different observers will report different events of the same measurement as perhaps in a relationist kind of approach.

Or can it have a more ontic form where a different perpective or question in the very same experiment question has an ontic effect

For example  which depend merely on which channel (the spin up beam or the spin down beam) the register is in, corresponding perhaps to which question, you ask nature (relationalism, Jauch-Piron, Giles, some modal approaches),  'is it spin up' or is it 'spin down'?One being presumably a counterfactual question; and thus corresponding to the opposite concrete outcomes, as yes denotes spin up for the first question and spin down for the second.

Likewise, Is there a form of this, that has been mentioned in the literature (modal, relational approach, logic of yes/no, quantum logic etc), whereby equally probable events, will give the same answer to both these distinct  questions given to the same prepared particle measured for the same component alongside the same context

Mention of similar kinds of things, are alluded to in aspectualism (Arthur Fine), modes, partial observables, multidimensional projections, fuzzy channels, and  and some articles on semantic contextuality' in quantum logic. As well as a notion called  'path polarization contextuality' in some recently published physics papers I think which hints at a stronger form of contextuality like this, which hinted at, or give empirical evidence for a stronger notion of contextuality of this ilk (maybe not this precise form).

For example, a difference in outcome, along the same component of spin of a spin 1/2 particle . depending on which channel you put the register device, spin up or spin down, everything being equal

For example  one could suggest that which depend merely on which channel (the spin up beam or the spin down beam) the register is in, corresponding perhaps to which question, you ask nature (relationalism, Jauch-Piron, Giles, some modal approaches),  'is it spin up' or is it 'spin down'?One being presumably a counterfactual question; and thus corresponding to the opposite concrete outcomes, as yes denotes spin up for the first question and spin down for the second.

Likewise, Is there a form of this, that has been mentioned in the literature (modal, relational approach, logic of yes/no, quantum logic etc), whereby equally probable events, will give the same answer to both these distinct  questions given to the same prepared particle measured for the same component alongside the same context

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