• Asked 3 minutes ago

I have a problem. Measurements show the opposite of what convention assumes. It occurred in geotechnics, but could affect all material modelling branches.

I tested soil specimens. Convention interprets materials as things where deformation is created (output) and force is applied (input). So, our task is: decode how much deformation a certain loading (force) will generate.

After 6 years of testing, I noticed the convention is misleading. Reaction force behaves as a function of deformation. Not the other way round. Stiffness hysteresis loop shape, size and position stabilizes within deformation amplitudes. You can control the shape, size and position of stiffness loops - using deformation amplitude. All applied deformation values - have finite answers, unlike the "infinite displacement" paradox...

It's a big problem. All software is designed to model deformation as a function of force applied. But in reality, force (reaction) behaves as a function of deformation. It could be we are stuck in a paradigm, where deformation is modelled as a function of force. But in reality, the reaction force is a function of deformation. F=f(U) not U=f(F).

The observations (empirical evidence) pointed me to an abandoned theory from 40 years ago (strain-space plasticity, by P. J. Yoder 1980). His theory seems to be not only compatible with the observed physical properties, but also GPU - parallel computation compatible (there were no GPU units in 80's... so "parallel spring systems" in FEM caught no one's attention)

So, we have something that is both:

1. Potentially more physically correct

2. For the first time makes elasto-plastic FEM is super computer compatible.

I am stuck building robots for industrial projects at the faculty. For tests which are meant to provide "quick profit" to faculty. "fundamental" research is not funded. Tried applying for radical research EU grant... the topic is way too radical for them.

All observations were made in spare time. Evenings, weekends, at times - using life savings... I tried showing test results to renown experts. They become red in the face, angry, and say "I have not seen anything like it". After an hour of questions - they find no flaws in the testing machines. And.. Leave. Never to hear from again.

The theory of P. J. Yoder was defended in public defenses multiple times in the 80's. It seems "mathematically equivalent". As in - proven able to do "the same" as convention does. Without anyone ever testing what such "reversal of coordinate space" (strain instead of stress envelopes) would imply regarding interpretation of material properties. No one found flaws in it "mathematically". Never proves it wrong. But... Forgot, ignored and abandoned.

I tried asking industries for opinion too. Industry asks for code compatible with existing software (return of investment). And I alone can not code a full software package. Frankly, I would rather keep testing, try to prove my assumptions wrong. But the more I test, the more anomalies and paradoxes are observed, exposed and resolved on the topic..

What is the "antidote" in such situation? Tests showing convention wrong. Nobody find any mistakes. Which leads to silence and being ignored.

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