17 Questions 170 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Christopher Gerard Yukna
So were we wrong about acid rain in the 1980s? Can we be sure that the new story: Climate Change, Desiccated Soil, and Monocultures, is correct? Another alternative from the 1980s is the massive...
11 July 2024 4,636 7 View
Humans have the longest childhood of any animal known. There are two huge growth spurts in our lives where cascading hormones shape our bodies. Infancy and adolescence, with the same surges of...
09 April 2024 2,263 22 View
These are mutually exclusive either for genetic, multifactorial or unknown reasons the immune system begins to attack a body it is designed to defend or a problem of leaky gut syndrome where a...
18 November 2023 9,878 11 View
Queen Bees and Women's Diminishing Fertility While the commercial effects of Colony Collapse Disorder are reduced. Honey bees are still in trouble, these hives are surviving because queens are...
05 April 2023 3,116 0 View
According to Dr. Zach Bush, glyphosate damages your thin gut lining, allowing undigested food outside your gut. This is referred to as “leaky gut.” In short, in a one-two punch, glyphosate causes...
17 August 2022 2,209 0 View
I would like to know what if any positive health and environmental effects were observed after lead was removed from gasoline. I read that in developing nations the additive, one of the world’s...
23 August 2021 8,852 5 View
When dealing with bacterial toxins, there are three varieties of microbes that develop in your petri dish: toxic, resistant, and susceptible. Initially, there are only toxic and vulnerable...
22 February 2021 6,391 5 View
Here is what we know. Patients with a cognitive impairment like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are more likely to die of Covid 19. So in evaluating the real risk and human cost of this virus I...
19 January 2021 2,539 6 View
Carbon dioxide on Earth weighs 44 g/mol and has a density of around 1.98 kg/m3, about 1.53 times that of air. Nitrogen gas weighs 28 g/mol and has a density of 1.2506 g/L. During limnic eruptions...
16 January 2021 9,231 4 View
First great project to look at the bumblebees. In France where I live they are replacing the honeybee. And there seems to be lots species of large solitary bees of various colors as well. They...
21 May 2018 4,376 10 View
Finding Untruth. I would like to know if there is a body of work on useless words or words that obscure the truth. For example: epicycle is nonsense now since the Ptolemaic model is defunct any...
13 June 2016 3,438 6 View
In History, Literature, the Arts and elsewhere it is customary to give a talk at their university or present at a conference with the subsequent article based on this experience. Amazing authors...
01 January 1970 694 3 View
google manually blocked two scholar citation profiles of colleagues Two professors at my school created google scholar profiles attributed them our institution. So, on their articles, their names...
01 January 1970 7,035 1 View
From 40 to 64 years of age, about 92,000 people have died or at least their deaths are attributed to Covid in the United States alone....
01 January 1970 3,138 5 View
Research has demonstrated time and again that home-cooked traditional dishes are far better for our health and the planet than industrially processed foodstuff. Therefore shouldn't we begin to...
01 January 1970 8,580 3 View
Save the women! Women have much better immune systems than men. When Covid hit, women did much better than men, the babushkas of Chernobyl handled radiation much better than their male...
01 January 1970 9,553 0 View
Sauvez les femmes! Les femmes ont un système immunitaire bien meilleur que les hommes. Lorsque le Covid a frappé, les femmes ont fait bien mieux que les hommes, les babouchkas de Tchernobyl ont...
01 January 1970 374 1 View