I'm trying to reproduce the numerical solution given in the paper by Curtis and Beard, Successive collocation: An approximation to optimal nonlinear control, Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2001. But without success. Probably I must have misunderstood a few concept here. I have try solving using Pontryagin's Minimum Principle and Riccati equation.

The problem is to minimize the cost J(x_0)=integral_0^10 (x'x + u'u) dt

subject to the dynamic dot(x) = [0 , 1; -1, 2] x + [0 , 1]' u

and initial condition x_0=[-12 , 20]'.

x=[x_1 , x_2]' is the state variable, u the control and prime denote matrix transpose.

The answer that I obtain is always 2346.5 but the numerical optimal value given in the paper is J*=2221. Can someone please confirm that the given J* is correct.

I consider the final state x(10) to be unspecified, i.e. the co-state lambda(10)=0. Is this correct?

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