Dear Yevgen and Leonidas, thank you so much for your kind reply. I want to know further that ANOVA and MANOVA are used for continuous variables but mine are not continuous. I want to compare different Universities on the basis of their geographical areas with respect to Cities and countries as well. My data is from two countries. In those countries, I have taken data from different Universities in different geographical areas. Now I want to compare how they are different and which one is better at promoting entrepreneurship education. For this purpose, I need a statistical test. I am not sure if ANOVA or MANOVA helps to see the degree to which one University is promoting more entre education than the others. Kindly look at this issue and try to solve my problem. And also if there is any statistical test which can measure it overall. I mean whenever we run ANOVA or chi-square or t-test for comparisons, it gives us output item wise. But is there any test which can give an overall result upon which one is better that the other.

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