if a hypothetical test procedure could be developed where the outcome would only be a predictable, a-causal, binary and not an analog range, the outcome truly independent of the substance used where it is tested upon and this could surely trigger a belief that the analysed substance, is harmfully affected by a imaginary contagious toxin and therefore, the toxin is apparently in the individual tested, would that not a) cause an imagined reality in that individual that they are affected by the imaginary toxin, b) that the surrounding social environment beliefs this is true as well and that the individual should be avoided to prevent a further virtual, possible spread of the imagined harmful toxin in a cascading effect on a larger scale?.

If the media then is involved in the enhancement and certainly, in the exaggeration of this belief, declining and even blatantly ignoring and censoring (with a personal, direct experience and repeated proof of course) all other stories than the projected belief, would it then be possible to create a large scale trigger with the opportunity to control certain areas on a very large scale with this test to quickly spread the belief that the imaginary toxin is traveling, using the tested objects as their host based on the statistics presented on the results of testing?

All based on a controlled distribution of this test procedure and means that guaranteed will trigger a designed outcome on a designed moment in a designed place within a designed social environment, emphasised by the media, even the apparent controlled opposite ones, controlled top down with a dedicated one objective: to create this designed virtual social environmental disaster based on a belief supported, virtual story using the preferred projection over the reality in a large amount of social structures.

A natural, annually reappearing detox phase in the population tested would of course be a fine timing to launch such a test providing it with an imagined causality where there is none.

What could be then a possible purpose of the science and psychology behind a test launch like this, if it ever would occur and getting the space to do so of course?

The temporary satisfaction of proof of control for a few?

The reinforcement of the proof that the large majority of the tested population are still bathing in a projected belief rather than reality, that the world is what the media presents us with?

Or to create a large scale fear and proof that imagined societies are still capable of fully manipulating populations and areas with what their network members own with the media as its only lever to manipulate?

Or to see where the cells of objection arise, how well disorganised they are and show this in their face?

Would it not expose them, as surely will be the case, in the light of their competitors which are more patient than the originator of the plan itself and therefore backfire upon the same originators in exposition and a raised awareness in that population, that it is manipulated through the media?

Or even all of these?

Surely a released test like the above would totally undermine the trust in the science and medicine creating and supporting such an, for most, unreliable and manipulative monster, if it was found out of course: it would fully support the theory that science is bendable through fear using the status and coin raking addictions in its individuals, no longer the independent engine of the discoveries of mankind in the operation of nature and beyond.

Is the risk of this undermining worth the try?

Curious as always in your answers. My thanks in advance for reading my questions and grateful of all your contributions.

Ut Hic Permanet

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